Monday, September 12, 2016

The family members (Listening)

Date: Tuesday, September 6th, 2016
Topic:The family members 
Framework: PDP
Skill: Listening.
Teachers’ name: Carlos Jovel
Guillermo Guerra

Todays’ class was really entertainment, the activities were really good and children liked a lot. First of all, T Charlie introduce himself and the other teacher that was Guillermo. T Guillermo gave some name tags to each children by calling his name, and Ss had to say present when he called them. Both teachers were helping Ss to put the name tag in his neck.
Continuously, T Charlie showed students some flashcards with four different commands that students should use in the class. T said and did the action of each command, so students could repeat the word and clarify the meaning of each one.
Moreover, T Guillermo was pasting some flashcards of family members while teacher Charlie was giving instructions about what Ss had to do in the warm-up activity. It was a bow and arrow game. Before started the activity, T reviewed the family members just to refresh the vocabulary students learned in the previous class. There were two groups and each student of the groups had to shoot with the arrow to the correct family member that T Charlie mentioned. Every student took turns to pass in front and shoot, but just two boys were the ones who could shoot correctly to the family member. When the game finished T gave a cookie to the winners.

In the pre-listening part, T Guillermo pasted a chart in the board. He showed some questions and answers in the chart and he wanted students to use the phrases with the correct pronoun. It was difficult to children because they did not acknowledge where or when to use each of the different questions and answers. T Guillermo tried to reuse the same flashcards of the warm-up activity in the presentation, so he decided to ask the questions, but this time showing the family member that helped Ss to identify the pronoun they had to use and the answer they had to say.
The next activity was a memory game. T Guillermo asked Ss to stand up and make two lines. T pasted the flashcards facing down the board. T Charlie explained the activity and he asked T Gabriela and T Paolo to stand up. T clarified to Ss when to use “she” (with girls like Gaby) and when to use “he” (with boys like Paolo).Then, T Guillermo asked one student to choose two flashcards that could have the same picture. T mentioned the family members that were in the cards, so Ss could keep in mind the picture and then when it was their turn they could chose the ones that were the same. Every students participated in this activity, but just a few of them could remember and choose the flashcards that had the same family member.

The during-listening stage was kind of difficult because teachers had some problems with the audio, thereby they improvised and read what was in the audio. Also. they helped students to do the exercises in a worksheet. Some worksheets were provided by the teachers. In the first part, children had to write the words that were missing in a conversation (who, she, he, etc.) according how they listened in the audio. T Guillermo was monitoring student while they were writing. In the second activity, they circled the family members they listened from teacher Charlie. This part was easier than the other one and students did it well.
Finally, T Guillermo gave a half of a page to children. He asked them to draw their family members in it. When they finished some Ss stood up and interact with the students that were sit by asking and answering the questions they learned and also showing and pointing the family member in their drawing.
At the end of the class, teachers gave some candies and a cookies to the kids, and they said good-bye to them.
In the following file you can check the lesson plan of this listening class:

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