Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The wild Animals reading

Date: Tuesday, September 22th, 2016
Topic: one day in the jungle.
Framework: PDP
Skill: Reading.
Teachers’ name: Adriana Turcios
Xiomara Torres

That was a really good class because the children were paying attention and the activities were appropriate for them. Teacher did a good job, using new methodology to get students involved in the lesson, and that also helped Ss to behave well.
First, Teachers greeted their students and explained that they were going to paste a happy face in their names that were in a chart just if they participate and behave well. So, everybody wanted to have the majority of happy faces as possible to win a prize. That encouraged students to want to participate in every activity. Then, while T Adriana was checking attendance, T Xiomara was giving a nametag to the Ss.
In the warm-up, T Xiomara assigned pairs and gave a puzzle game to each pairs. Ss had five minutes to work together and complete the puzzle forming an animal. When two pairs finished first, T Xiomara asked “what animal is that” to the Ss, and, believe it or not, Ss did it in a pretty good way using the phrase “It is a____”. Consequently, T Xiomara pasted a happy face next to the students’ name that participated. 

In the next activity, T Adriana presented the new vocabulary using flashcards and explaining the concept and giving examples of each one. The words (wet, water, live, teeth, climb, trees, and hot) were took from the text that ss will read in the during-stage. After that, T Adri asked T Xiomara to say a number. When T Xiomi said number 5, the other teacher counted the students and the one who was number five passed in front of the board to touch the picture of the word T Adri mentioned. The students who did it correctly receive a happy face in the chart.

In the during-stage, T Xiomara was in charge of providing the reading to the Ss. She asked them to read it completely. When they finished, T asked three Ss to pass in front and read a short part of the text aloud. That was a big challenge for Ss, but T also helped them to do it.
Then, students were asked to do the exercises that were in the passage. Some Ss already have it, but T gave time to the other students to work in the task. In the exercises, students had to circle the correct picture according to the question. When everybody finished, T checked Ss exercises by saying the correct answers, and almost all the students do it correctly.

The following activity, T Adri gave students another worksheet where they had to write the letters missing of some words, and then match the word with the picture crossing a line. After that, a chart and the pictures were pasted in the board. T asked Ss to sit on the floor she also asked some Ss to go to the board and do the same tasks in the chart (write the letters missing and cross out a line to match it with the picture). That help teachers to check their Ss answers in a general way.

In the last activity, they were going to play the spin bottle game. Ss continued sitting in the floor, but they formed a circle and T put a bottle in the middle.  T asked one Ss to spin the bottle. When it stopped spinning, the S it was pointing to take a picture from a box and say the correct word. Then, T continued spinning and developing the activity.

Finally, teachers finished the class and shared a snack with their students. After that, Ss returned to the CDB.
See their planing : 

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