Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Family members.

Date: Tuesday, August 30th, 2016.
Topic: family members.
Framework: PPP
Skill: vocabulary.
Teachers’ name:  Nicole Hernandez
                                Yansi Hernandez

This was the first class with children. T Yansi and Nicole greet their Ss. They said their name 3 times holding a sponge bob teddy and moving it. Teachers asked Ss to stand up and make a circle, they introduce themselves again using the teddy. Then, T Yansi asked the next student to do the same and so on. They did the activity twice, so it help teachers to remember students’ names. When they finished could students sit down. After that, teacher Nicole asked ss to write their name in a stick paper, they help kids to do it and then pasted it in their chest.
In the next stage T Nicole presented the topic. She pronounce the family members (mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather), and asked their ss to repeat the word as necessary as possible. Then, she said the words again, but she also did the mimics of each word. For example in the word father she put her finger in the mouth simulating a mustache, and every student had to do the same. She asked Ss to make a circle and she continue presented the actions of the other words. T leave students to sit dawn and she asked them to do the mimic of the family member showing in the flashcard she was holding.

Then, T Yansi and Nicole provide Ss some flashcards and labels. The purpose of this activity was to make students match the pictures with their corresponding labels. Also, Ss had keep together. When teachers see that was difficult to do what they want, they asked Ss to return to their desks.
In the following activity, T Nicole ad Yansi gave students some flashcards again. They said students that they were going to sing a song about family members. T Nicole started to sing and ss had to hold the flashcard when teachers asked for a specific family member. Both teacher take turns to sing the song. They couldn’t finished the song because ss were distracted and did not participate in the activity, so T Yansi recollect the flashcards to start the next activity.
T Nicole provide students 6 different family members in pieces of papers. Ss put them in the desk and they t Yansi gave them a poster with a tree drawing. Teachers model the activity and asked Ss to paste the pictures in order. They gave masking tape and ss started to do the task. There were not a lot of time and teachers asked Ss to continue the activity in their house.

Finally, T Yansi and Nicole showed the flashcards to ss and asked them “who is this”. Ss had to identify and mention the family member it was. 
Teachers finished the class and gave a snack to their students and say good-bye.

This class had really nice materials and activities, but to keep the attention of students was really difficult. even if there were some mistakes teachers could improvise in the activities. 
This is the lesson plan of this class:

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Welcome to Bermuda!

Date: Thursday, August 25th, 2016.

Topic: Welcome to Bermuda.
Framework: PDP
Skill: Reading.
Teachers’ name: Andrea Leiva
Cristian Alemán
Yansi Hernández
Nelson Saravia

T Cristian started the class with the broken telephone activity. He asked Ss to form a two groups and make a line. He gave the last students of the lines one sentences and they had to say it to the next Ss until it went to the first person of the line and he wrote it in the board. The group who said better the message win the game.

Here you can see a video of the activity:
T Nelson presented the vocabulary that Ss will see in the reading. He provided Ss some labels and they had to paste them in the correct picture. He also check if the matching was correct. After that, he had some concepts in some pages. He started to explain one by one and when he finished he pasted the concepts next to the corresponding picture and word. He also clarify the meaning of the words by giving real life examples.

T Andrea gave a reading to each Ss. She asked ss to scan the most important information in only 20 seconds. Then Ss had to answer the questions she wrote in the board. Ss choose the best title for the text and also they answer deeper questions about it. T asked some Ss the answers and she checked if they were correct.


The following stage was performed by T Yansi who gave Ss the labels and pictures used in the pre-stage. Ss had to find the person who had the corresponding picture or word and work together. Then, T pasted the situation of a roleplay in the board. Ss had 5 minutes to make up the situation and then the ones who had a sticker with the word YEAH in the back of the word she gave them at the beginning had to pass in front of the class. There were two pairs roleplaying the situation where one Ss invited the other to visit an interesting place from El Salvador telling the activities they could do there, and the other Ss had to ask questions about the place and either accept the invitation or declined it.

T Cristian finished the class with the wrap-up. He had some little papers. All the students took one paper and read what was inside. Some papers had a word from the vocabulary of the lesson and some others were in blank. The Ss who had a word had to participate and say the meaning of the word.

This class was amazing, I really liked the activities because they were interactive and creative, I also likes the reading due to the fact that it was easy to understand and with an interesting topic that catch the attention of the learners. Ss could get interested in the lesson and practicing their reading skills.

Here is the lesson plan of this class: 

Resolving cases.

Date: Thursday, August 25th, 2016.

Topic: Resolving cases.
Framework: PDP
Skill: listening.
Teachers’ name: Gabriela Callejas.
Carlos Jovel
Guillermo Guerra
Gabriela Rodríguez

T Gabriela Callejas started the class with an interesting activity. She asked Ss to stand up and form a circle. She gave a bottle of water to the first students. Ss put the bottle between their arms and they passed it to the person next to them but without touching it with their hands. The student who let the bottle fell down were the ones who answer teacher’s questions.

The next stage was performed by T Carlos. He presented the vocabulary that Ss will listen in the audio. He had some pictures in flashcards. While he showed them to the Ss he was explaining the concepts, practicing pronunciation, and giving examples and actions to clarify the meaning. He interacted with the Ss by asking them to mimic the word.

T Guillermo did the During- listening task. He provided students some pieces of paper with the sentences that were in the listening. He played the audio the first time. Ss had to order the phrases while they listened. In the second time he played the audio Ss had the chance to check if their answer were correct, if no they could change them. After that, he read the sentences to check if their Ss had the correct order.

In the post-, T Gabriela Rodriguez gave Ss a worksheet. She played the second part of the audio and Ss had to listen in the first time. In the second time Ss had to circle the statement if there were true or false.  The last track help Ss to check if their sentences were correct. T asked Ss to share their answer aloud, she could check their answers and give the correct one.

In the wrap-up, T Gabriela C. asked Ss to make a line and played the game called “sea and ground”. If she said aloud the word sea Ss had to move to the space where the word was pasted in the floor, but if she said ground Ss moved to the other space that was the ground. The Ss who commit a mistake when moving to the different spaces had to say the corresponding word of the picture T showed him/her.

Let's see the video of the activity:
This activity was really nice. Students could learned many useful vocabulary from the listening and they could develop more their listening skills.

In the following file you can see the lesson plan of this group: 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Direct speech.

Date: Tuesday, August 23th, 2016.

Topic: Direct speech
Framework: PPP
Skill: Grammar.
Teachers’ name:  Mariana Fagoaga
Roxana Diaz
Nicole Hernández
Juan José Menjivar.

In this class, T Mariana started the lesson with a warm-up activity. She gave Ss on piece of paper (green or blue). So the ss who has green form a group and the blue one form the other group. Everybody stood up, took turns to go to the front and guess the word that their classmates had to mimic. T wrote the word in the board. Ss who guessed correctly won points for their group, The words were related to places.the group color blue won the game. 
Moreover, T Nicole presented the new grammar structure “Direct Speech”. She explained the topic while she was pasting flashcards with the most important information about it. She gave examples using phrases and pictures. Then, she asked if we had any doubt, but everything was almost clear.

It was time to practice and T Roxana gave Ss a piece of paper where they had to ask their pair about their hobbies and something they would like to do in the future. They had to answer the questions using the structure of Direct speech in present. Then, Ss stood up and shared their answers with other classmates. Also, T Roxana asked one pair to read their answers out loud.

In the production, T Juan Jose gave ss different situations. They had 5 minutes to practice. To select the pairs who performed the roleplay, he wrote a number in his hand and asked Ss to say a number from one to five. The pairs who says the number he wrote performed the roleplay. There were three pairs who passed in front of the class.

At the end, T Mariana did the pass the ball activity. While Ss passed the ball, T was counting until 10 and the ss who had it took a paper from a box. The paper had a question or a statement and the student had to change it into direct speech using what they learn. Using this activity T Mariana could check new knowledge from their Ss.

Here you can find the lesson plan of this group: