Thursday, August 18th, 2016
This day
was the second part of the workshop. First, we formed a circle, and Giovanny
explained the activity. We had a balloon per person. What we did was walk and
maintain the balloon in the air just by using one finger. We walked with it in
all the space in the room and avoiding to clash with other classmate. Giovanny
asked us to do the same but using two fingers, then three and four until keep
the balloon with the 5 fingers. Also, we could share our balloon with other
person and vice versa. Suddenly, Giovanny started to explode one balloon. Some
of us screamed, and we realized that he was going to take our balloons and do the
same. We kept them really close to us and ran, so he also ran and exploded more
balloons. After that, he asked us to think in the balloon as our own life and
how much we take care about it, if we are grateful with what we have, and also if we do our best in everyday
situations. He told us that we should be concerned about the difficult
situation in our country, and that we have to consider that one mistake can ruin
everything we have work hard to achieve.

See the video here:
To perform the following activity, everybody had to memorize a tongue twister and a short
fairy tale before going to the workshop. Some students memorized both things but
some other do not. We took turns to pass in front and say the tongue twister
first. Then, we tell the short fairytale. Telling the tongue twister helped us to
work with the diction when pronouncing words and the level of our voice when
speaking in front of people. Telling the fairytale we could identify the
mistakes we had and the mistakes other people had in the presentations, so that
we can overcome and do the best when teaching children.
In the next
activity Giovanny made pairs and asked us to pick a chair per pair. One student
sat in the chair and the other had to consent and do a massage to the one in the chair. Then, Ss changed
positions and did the same. It helped us to release the stress we have from
previous days. We have to acknowledge that when teaching we also feel stress
because there are many things to do, plan lessons, create materials, teach,
etc. Even though, it is important to take a break and consent ourselves to renovate
our energy.
everybody sat in the floor making a circle. We shared our experiences and make
comments about the workshop. Giovanny gave us some advices that can help us in
everyday life as a teacher, and also as a human being.
conclude, this workshop was really good. I liked a lot because it helped me to
know myself better, my strengths like a teacher, and the weaknesses when
performing the activities. I could identify useful ways to overcome my mistakes
and improve my abilities. I learned how to trust more in my classmates, to help
them in what they need. And by doing that, we will have a necessary connection
when teaching together.
Maria José, I consider that your opinion is the best one. This workshop helped us to overcome our mistakes and to improve our speaking abilities. It would hlep us in our practice with children in the future.