Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Modern detectives’ vocabulary.

Date: Tuesday, August 23th, 2016.

Topic: Modern detectives.
Framework: PPP
Skill: Vocabulary (speaking).
Teachers’ name: Adriana Turcios
 María José López
Xiomara Torres.
Paolo Mazariego

This was the second class were I taught with my Group. We taught vocabulary and it was about detectives. First of all, T Adriana was in charge of breaking the ice with Ss in the warm-up activity. The activity was called Sherlock Holmes game. T assigned pairs. She formed columns and ask questions like how many boys are in the classroom, or how many people are wearing jeans. Ss had to investigate, run, take a marker and write the answer in the board. So, the pair who answered first in a correct way could take a sit.
After the activity T Xiomara presented the target vocabulary. She did the right and left activity. T asked Ss to stand up. Teacher showed a word written in a piece of paper and asked Ss that if they already know the word they had to move to the right and say the meaning of the word, but if they did not know the word they had to move to the left. In that way teacher could elicit the background knowledge of their Ss. Then, she pasted the vocabulary with their corresponding pictures, so tha,t Ss could have a visual idea of the meaning of the new words. She also explained the concepts of each word. T used the drill method to practice pronunciation with their students.
It was my turn to do the practice stage. I provided each student a worksheet that has two exercises. In the first one, they had to match the words from a box with the corresponding picture. The second exercise was a fill in the blank activity where they used the same words in part 1 to complete the spaces alone in a short passage about detectives. I asked some students to read the instructions, and then they started to work in it. When they finished I asked them to compare their answer with their classmates. Also, I asked one student to read the passage, so everybody could check the answers.
To continue, T Paolo asked Ss to form trios and create a criminal case where they could apply the vocabulary. Student 1 was the detective and Ss 2 and 3 were the witnesses. T Adriana, Xiomara and I modelled the activity. After that, Ss had 5 minutes to make up the situation, and then T riffled the ones who performed the role-play. Each trio were creative, and they made a really funny and interactive production of the target vocabulary.

In the wrap-up, T Adriana performed the Hot Hat Game. She threw the hat to the students and they passed it until T stopped counting. The student who had the hat when teacher stops counting took a piece of paper and answer the question. There were 4 students who answer. Finally teacher thanked students for coming and paying attention to the class.

This class was really helpful for us like teachers because we could practice with other skill and lesson framework and that will help us to develop better our skills, and also to polish our abilities in the teaching field.
In the following file you can check the planning we use: 

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