Date: Wednesday, August 9th, 2016.
Topic: Street food.
Teachers’ name: Gabriela Callejas
Carlos Jovel
Guillermo Guerra

This was the first class performed by some of my classmates. The purpose of their lesson was to teach vocabulary, so that they use PPP framework. The first teacher who broke the ice with students was Gabriela Callejas. She started the class greeting their students, and then she moved to the warm up activity called “pass the marker”. To perform this activity, she gave two markers of different colors to students. They passed the markers until teacher Gaby stopped counting. She also mentioned a color and the student who had the marker of that color had to answer two questions about their last vacation. In the second activity, she pasted some flashcards about street food (pastelitos, enchiladas, tacos and empanadas) in the board and asked their students to identify what type of food they were and how they are prepared.
After the
warm-up, teacher Charlie presented the target vocabulary. There was a poster
about food preparation in the board, and he used it to show the new words (bake,
boil, grill, roast, microwave, steam, melt and fry) to their students. First,
he pronounced each word out loud and asked Ss to repeat after him. He checked
that students get the pronunciation by asking them to pronounce individually.
He also said the definition of the words by explaining to their students and
giving examples, such as melt butter, boil water, roast chicken, bake sweet
bread, etc. Also, T added an action to each meaning and students did the action
too. This presentation was really funny and significant for students because it
helps them to remember with words and with actions every word T presented.

Finally, T
Gabriela Rodriguez did the productive stage. She asked students to mention at
less one word they had learn during the lesson. Some students mentioned grill,
melt, steam, fry and so on. Then, she made groups of three and gave each group
one picture about street food. She asked Ss to create a roleplay, one students
had to be a chef and share the recipe of the dish with the others two
classmates. They had to mention the vocabulary of food preparation they
learned, and also invent a new name for the dish. Three groups passed in front
of the class and roleplayed the situation.
This lesson was pretty nice to break the ice in teaching practicum I classes. All students were paying attention to their teachers because the activities included in the lesson were really significant and interactive for them.
You can see their lesson here:
You can see their lesson here:
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