Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Present passive

Date: Tuesday, August 16th, 2016.

Topic: present passive.
Framework: PPP
Skill: grammar
Teachers’ name: Andrea Leiva
Cristian Alemán
Yansi Hernández
Nelson Saravia

This was the second class in Practicum 1. There were 11 students in the class, and teacher Yansi was the one who broke the ice with the students. She greeted everybody and asked how students were. Then, she started the warm up activity asking their Ss to make two groups, stand up and form two lines. She gave instructions and an example. In the activity, she wrote a word about education (education, learning and teaching) in a vertical way at the board. Each student of the group took turns to write a word per letter related to education. The group who finished first and won more points was the winner.

After that, T Cristian commenced to present grammar structure about present passive. Students were paying attention at him. He explained first and then, he presented examples. To measure that their students understood the topic, he asked some students to go to the board and help him to underline the subject, verb and object of some sentences. Also, one student went  in front and wrote a sentence using the present passive structure.
In the practice stage, T Nelson explained the activity and gave some worksheets to Ss with three paragraphs. What they had to do in the exercise was to fill in the blank spaces using the verb in parenthesis and wrote it using present passive. After completing the exercise, he asked ss to compare with the person next to them. Also, to check students’ answers, he asked three students to read one paragraph per person.

The practice was performed by teacher Andrea. She formed four groups of three Ss and provided some little pictures to each group. The pictures were facing down in the desk and students took turns to pick, see and invent a sentence with the picture using the grammar structure. T was monitoring students’ practice.

Further, in the last activity T Andrea passed a ball and the student who had it when she said the word “stop” shared a present voice sentence he/she created using one of the pictures.
Here is the lesson plan that teachers use in this class.

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