Saturday, August 27, 2016

Welcome to Bermuda!

Date: Thursday, August 25th, 2016.

Topic: Welcome to Bermuda.
Framework: PDP
Skill: Reading.
Teachers’ name: Andrea Leiva
Cristian Alemán
Yansi Hernández
Nelson Saravia

T Cristian started the class with the broken telephone activity. He asked Ss to form a two groups and make a line. He gave the last students of the lines one sentences and they had to say it to the next Ss until it went to the first person of the line and he wrote it in the board. The group who said better the message win the game.

Here you can see a video of the activity:
T Nelson presented the vocabulary that Ss will see in the reading. He provided Ss some labels and they had to paste them in the correct picture. He also check if the matching was correct. After that, he had some concepts in some pages. He started to explain one by one and when he finished he pasted the concepts next to the corresponding picture and word. He also clarify the meaning of the words by giving real life examples.

T Andrea gave a reading to each Ss. She asked ss to scan the most important information in only 20 seconds. Then Ss had to answer the questions she wrote in the board. Ss choose the best title for the text and also they answer deeper questions about it. T asked some Ss the answers and she checked if they were correct.


The following stage was performed by T Yansi who gave Ss the labels and pictures used in the pre-stage. Ss had to find the person who had the corresponding picture or word and work together. Then, T pasted the situation of a roleplay in the board. Ss had 5 minutes to make up the situation and then the ones who had a sticker with the word YEAH in the back of the word she gave them at the beginning had to pass in front of the class. There were two pairs roleplaying the situation where one Ss invited the other to visit an interesting place from El Salvador telling the activities they could do there, and the other Ss had to ask questions about the place and either accept the invitation or declined it.

T Cristian finished the class with the wrap-up. He had some little papers. All the students took one paper and read what was inside. Some papers had a word from the vocabulary of the lesson and some others were in blank. The Ss who had a word had to participate and say the meaning of the word.

This class was amazing, I really liked the activities because they were interactive and creative, I also likes the reading due to the fact that it was easy to understand and with an interesting topic that catch the attention of the learners. Ss could get interested in the lesson and practicing their reading skills.

Here is the lesson plan of this class: 

1 comment:

  1. Maria José I agree with you when you mentioned on your blog that when teacher Nelson gave the examples about real things , it creates a significant knowledge on students because if they are expose with this environment, they can joiner it with their lessons.
