Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Possessive nouns.

Date: Thursday, September 29th, 2016
Topic: Possessive nouns (school objects)
Framework: PPP
Skill: Grammar.
Teachers’ name: Carlos Jovel
Guillermo Guerra
This class was very meaningful for students because they learned really fast and the class was really interactive even if the grammar structure could have been a little bit complicated for them. The teachers did their best job to get students involved in the activities, and accomplish their objectives at the same time.
Before the class, some name tags were given to students in Colegio Don Bosco. Later in the classroom, teachers greeted their students and asked them how they were.  To start the warm-up activity, T Guillermo gave instructions about the activity. He put a bell on a desk in front of the classroom. He asked Ss to stand up and form two lines. The student that rang the bell first were going to say the school object that T Charlie showed them using flashcards. Students were taking turns to participate in the activity. T also gave a prize to all the students and it was a sticker so that they felt motivated to participate more.
In the pre- stage, T Charlie presented the topic that was about possessive nouns. T asked Ss to show him a pencil, he took the pencil of one student, Miguel, and he said “This is Miguel’s pencil”. He continued repeating that phrase and students were repeating as well. Later, T asked for more school objects from his students and they use some of them as an example. He presented the questions and answers “Is this your__?”, “Yes, it is”, “No it is not”; “Are this your ___?”, “Yes, they are”, “No, they are not”. Students were participating a lot and T took advantage of the situation giving more examples using the grammar structure he taught and the possessive case, too.
To continue with the lesson, T Guillermo provided a worksheet to each Ss. They were going to complete it using the grammar structure of possessive nouns and possessive case. Then, he pasted some flashcards and asked ss to go to the board and write what they had in their worksheet.
In the production, T Charlie gave a blank page to Ss and asked them to draw him. When Ss finished to draw the teacher, they pasted the page in the board. Moreover, T asked the question “Is this your drawing?” to discover the owner of the pictures. Ss had to answer him if it was of them or not using the structure of the presentation. If students did it correct T gave them a sticker as a prize.
It was time to go and teachers shared a snack with their students before they return to Colegio Don Bosco.
In the following file you can check the lesson plan they shared: 

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