Friday, October 21, 2016

The Professions (Listening)

Date: Tuesday, October 18th, 2016.

Topic: The professions.
Framework: PDP
Skill: Listening
Teachers’ names: Adriana Turcios
Xiomara Torres
Gabriela Rodríguez
Roxana Díaz

At the beginning of the class, T Xiomara explained the policies in Spanish and Ss asked her questions when they had doubts. She explained Ss about the black list, a new methodology to make Ss behave well, in which T were going to write the names of the students that had a misbehavior. The Ss that had a good participation in the class were going to be prized.

Then, teacher Roxana asked Ss to sit on the floor and form a circle. He divided Ss in groups (the group of the CHEF and the group of the POLICE OFFICER. They were going to take turns to throw a die and according to the number T was going to move their profession through the board game that was pasted in the board. They also had to answer the question T asked him/her depending of the number they get (e.g. what is he? He is a ____ and the profession T showed.
Furthermore, T Xiomara introduced the question that was going to be in the listening (Where does he/she work?) using the professions. The answer “he/she works in the____” was presented to the kids. Then, T encounter Ss with more vocabulary of the listening (airport, hospital, school and restaurant). T gave examples of each word and asked Ss to repeat as many times as necessary. She was asking the question presented and Ss had to use the answer and the places presented in order to answer.

Moreover, T Adriana asked Ss to pay attention. She provided the worksheet to the Ss but they had to keep it facing down. First, she asked them to listen the audio. Then, she read the instructions of the exercises and asked Ss to listen the audio for a second time, but now with a purpose. Ss started to work on it. Ss had to circle the places where each professional works and also write it in a small box according to what they heard. T checked what Ss answered.
Besides, T Xiomara continued with the post-. She for some volunteers that wanted to participate. Some Ss stand up and T gave them a flashcard. She asked Ss the questions from the listening (e.g. where does the mother work?) and Ss had to say the place and paste the flashcard and the label of the place next to the correct label of profession.
In the last activity, T Gabriela asked Ss to play the “carrying the chocolate ball” game. T divided Ss in two groups. There were four desks, two in front of the class with containers that had chocolate balls. Ss objective was to carry one ball to the other desks using a spoon with their mouth. At the end, T count the balls and the group with more balls won the game while the other Ss of the group that did not win answered the questions that T asked them.
All students were encouraged to participate that Teachers gave a prize to all the Ss including the snack that they shared with them.

Here you can see their planning:

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