Tuesday, October 4, 2016

School objects (listening)

Date: Tuesday, October 4th, 2016
Topic:school objects.
Framework: PDP
Skill: Listening.
Teachers’ name: Gabriela RodriguezRoxana Diaz
This class was really well prepared, the materials were nice as well, even though it was a difficult class to perform for the teachers. Students were really hyperactive, and teaching a listening skill is not easy at all.
Teachers Roxana and Gaby broke the ice with the students greeting them and giving them their name tag. Then, T Roxana asked them to play a game called the “fly swatter game”. Ss stood up and formed two lines. T explained that she was going to mention a school object, and the students with the fly swatter were going to slap the flashcard of the corresponding word. Ss took turns to participate and review the vocabulary.

T Gaby asked Ss to take a school object from their bag pack. She explained and modelled the activity because their students could not understand at first. Also, teacher Roxana help students to take a school object. After that, T Gaby asked each student “Do you have a______?”, and students had to answer “No, I don’t” or “Yes, I do”. T Roxana were giving a sticker to Ss after they participate.
In the during- task, T Gaby gave the instructions. She asked Ss to listen carefully in the first time. Then, she provided Ss a chart. They were two columns (one say yes and the other no). She also provided them some pictures of school objects, and she modelled the activity. T played the audio in the second time, Ss had to paste and order the pictures. If Ss listened the objects they pasted them in the YES column, but if they do not listen them they pasted in the No column. Later, Ss listened the audio in the third time just to check their answers. As she saw that their Ss could not understand the audio a lot, T decided to read and help them to complete the chart.
In the post-listening stage, T Roxana showed to students two balls, one means question and the other means answer. T asked them to pass the ball while she was counting until 10. When she stopped counting, the students who had the balls had to ask and answer a questions using what they learned.
Finally, in the wrap up, T Gaby played the “Simon says game” with her students. She used the phrase “Simon says___” and students had to look for the object she asked for, and gave her the object. She repeated the activity three times and Ss participated a lot.
When the class was over, both teachers shared a snack with their students before they return to the CDB.

Let’s checked their lesson plan here: 

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